How to Mint and Stake USC
Minting and Staking USC
Last updated
Minting and Staking USC
Last updated
USC is minted through the Chi Protocol interface at Once minted, USC can be staked to receive stUSC, a yield-bearing stablecoin that grows automatically over time.
Collateral Options: Mint USC using ETH, WETH, stETH, or weETH, which are deposited directly into the protocol's reserves.
ZapIn Feature: Use stablecoins (DAI, USDC, USDe, or FRAX) to mint USC. These are swapped for ETH via 1inch before minting USC.
You can mint and stake USC in a single transaction using supported collateral.
By holding stUSC, you earn rebase rewards automatically, compounding every second as more stUSC is added to your wallet.
Minting USC involves sending backing assets to the Chi Protocol in exchange for USC. Staking USC means depositing USC into the staking contract to receive stUSC, which earns rebase rewards automatically. The minting and staking process is fully permissionless and open to all.