By staking CHI, you earn all the ETH staking yield of the reserves. As the supply of USC expands, the protocol's LST holdings increase, automatically resulting in higher yields for CHI stakers.
By holding veCHI, you become a decision maker, helping shape the Chi community's trajectory and protocol. With your veCHI, you are granted the voting power to influence protocol parameters, steering the Chi Protocol's direction and shaping its evolution.
veCHI does more than give you a say in governance; it significantly enhances your earning potential as well. This means that your veCHI will earn not only ETH but also additional veCHI. They actively work to multiply your ETH staking yields and enhance your earnings.
The Chi Ecosystem is vibrant and dynamic, continually evolving with the invaluable contributions of minters, partners, developers, and more. Recognising the vital role these participants play, the protocol will offer multiple forms of incentives, such as batch solution rewards, trader incentives, and ecosystem grants, to ensure they remain sufficiently motivated to continue contributing to the robustness and vitality of the ecosystem.
The allocation of treasury holdings, distribution of protocol revenue, and investment in ecosystem projects are key components of the Chi Protocol's economic model. By strategically managing these resources, the protocol ensures a sustainable and thriving ecosystem that can withstand market fluctuations and continue to offer value to its users.
With its potent combination of robust governance, boosted yields, attractive incentives, and strategic treasury management, Chi Protocol is primed to offer significant value to its users and stakeholders, presenting a compelling opportunity for those who wish to participate in a high-potential DeFi protocol.